Strategic Team Development

Strategic Team Development – Business

Strategic Team Review Assessment and Action Tool (STRAT) – Business

In this section, two different teams of business leaders, focused on business results and outcomes, applied the Strategic Team Review and Action Tool (STRAT) outlined in Hughes, Colarelli-Beatty and Dinwoodie’s,  Becoming a Strategic Leader (pp. 285-302). Both teams had five people, all representing unique national and international identities. The first team of business leaders represent Canada and India. The second team represents business leaders with international identities from India, Japan, the Middle East and Nigeria. The personal and corporate discoveries of both teams are as unique as their leadership experience and the geographical locations represented.

Each team produced a team name, unique to their identities. The first team called themselves the Build Trust First Team (BT1). The second team identified themselves as Caravan, drawing strongly on each being from a different country in the world and representative of a caravan of people and skills. Each team created reports to discover, develop and review their average team rating, which appears in the following chapters.